
HE HAD A DREAM: REMEMBERING MARTIN LUTHER KING (April 4th 1968-2018) by vittorio bongiorno

When he comes to Memphis he was happy and in jovial mood. He stepped onto the balcony of room 306 of Lorraine Motel, asking his favorite hymn “Precious Lord” to musician Ben Branch. He shared jokes and laughs with his brother, A.D. King, calling their parents on the phone. And he also started a pillow fight with Reverend Andrew Young for not keeping him informed throughout the day. He was a strong man, with a great heart and magnificent ideas for the future.

In the same moment an assassin lay in wait across Mulberry Street, with a rifle ready to fire.

He had a dream, and he gave it to millions, paying with his own life. Who’s still dreaming today?


Quando era arrivato a Memphis era allegro e gioviale. Affacciato al balcone della stanza 306 del Lorraine Motel aveva chiesto il suo inno preferito “Precius Lord” al musicista Ben Branch. Aveva scherzato e riso con suo fratello, A.D. King, e chiamato casa per parlare coi genitori.

Aveva anche preso a cuscinate il Reverendo Andrew Young per non aver dato sue notizie per tutto il giorno. Era un grande uomo, con un grande cuore e straordinarie idee per il futuro.

In quello stesso momento un assassino lo aspettava nascosto dall’altra parte di Mulberry Street, con un fucile pronto a sparare.

Aveva un sogno, e l’ha dato a milioni di persone, pagando con la sua stessa vita. Chi è che continua a sognare oggi?


#mlk #martinlutherking #memphis #tennessee #history #civilrights #lorrainmotel #socialjustice  #civilrightsmovement#1968 #assassination #50thanniversary #history #ihaveadream